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Climate Adaptation Action Survey

The Pleasant Bay Alliance is preparing a Climate Adaptation Action Plan funded by a grant from the MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. The goal of the Climate Adaptation Action Plan is to protect natural resources and enhance the resilience of low-lying public access points and public water infrastructure (e.g., water supply, stormwater, sewer) to adverse effects related to climate change.

Stakeholder input is a vital part of the Climate Adaptation Action Plan. This survey is intended to gain stakeholder input on climate-related issues of concern and possible strategies for increasing climate resilience. The results of the survey will be presented at a Climate Adaptation Forum this Fall to help frame stakeholder discussion about resilience options and priorities.

The survey consists of 7 questions and should take just a few minutes to complete. All responses are confidential.

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Local residents and visitors use and enjoy Pleasant Bay in a variety of ways. Please tell us how you use and enjoy Pleasant Bay (Please check all that apply)
Sea level is expected to rise in Pleasant Bay in the decades ahead and the intensity of storms is expected to increase. Please rate your level of concern about the following conditions that could result if sea level and storm intensity increase as expected.
1 (Very Unconcerned)2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)4 (Somewhat Concerned)5 (Very Concerned)
Loss of salt marsh
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Loss of eelgrass
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Loss of public beach area
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Erosion damage to my property
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Loss of shellfishing areas
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Inability to access the water for swimming
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Inability to access the water for boating
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Inability to walk along the water
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Erosion of the shoreline
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Loss of natural sediment movement due to erosion control measures
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Change in views that I enjoy
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Damage from marine debris caused by storms
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Overwash of roadways I use
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Access to emergency services
1 (Very Unconcerned)
2 (Somewhat Unconcerned)
3 (Don't Know or No Opinion)
4 (Somewhat Concerned)
5 (Very Concerned)
Rate your concern above on a scale of 1-5:
1 (very unconcerned)
2 (somewhat unconcerned)
3 (don't know or no opinion)
4 (somewhat concerned)
5 (very concerned)
Support for Adaptation
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)2 (don’t know or no opinion)3 (support public spending or regulation)
Increasing sand replenishment at public beaches
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Purchasing land to relocate or create new public beaches and town landings where feasible
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Rebuilding boat ramps and parking areas at town landings in place
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Purchasing land to allow salt marsh to migrate landward
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Restricting public access to areas of shoreline for the purpose of restoring salt marsh where appropriate
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Restricting public access to areas of waterways for the purpose of restoring eelgrass where appropriate
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Elevating low roads prone to flooding and enlarging culverts under low-lying roads
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Rebuilding stormwater infrastructure to make it more resilient to flooding and increased precipitation
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Rebuilding water supply mains to make them more resilient
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Increasing the stringency of shoreline erosion management regulations to further limit hardening of the shoreline.
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
On a scale of 1 to 3, please indicate your level of support for public spending or regulation to address the possible effects of climate change:
1 (don’t support public spending or regulation)
2 (don’t know or no opinion)
3 (support public spending or regulation)
Adaptation Priorities (Pick the top three from above)
What are your preferred ways to receive information about climate adaptation strategies (check all that apply)